About St Laurence’s Church Hall
Helping Hands are a domiciliary Home Care Company that wants to support the local community, to beat loneliness. We have customers who we support, that would love a reason to get out of the house and meet new people.
The next one is Wednesday 8th December 2022 14:00- 16:00 at St Lawrences Church Hall in Stroud.
We are providing the drinks and cakes, so just turn up – no need to book and everyone is welcome.
Our venue is Wheel chair and pushchair friendly.
We will be holding a raffle in aid of the British Heart Foundation so bring some pennies if you’d like to buy tickets. Tickets will be £1 per strip.
We look forward to seeing you there.
If you would like to volunteer to help host a Chatter & Natter table at this venue, apply here.