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Dorothy Parkes Centre

Church Rd, Smethwick B67 6EH, UK

About Dorothy Parkes Centre

Our Chatter & Natter table is hosted by a lovely volunteer every Wednesday 10.30am – 12.30pm – come along for a chat, everyone is welcome!

The Dorothy Parkes Centre is an award-winning community centre based in Smethwick, a diverse and deprived area in the Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell, West Midlands. Our Centre was opened in 2000 and we provide a safe place of welcome and opportunity, accessible to all, and we are usually open seven days a week.

Our Centre helps to address local issues by providing, or hosting, a wide range of activities. These include youth clubs, older person’s groups, creative groups, martial arts, exercise classes, weight management groups, bereavement support, job clubs, dance classes and private tutoring. We also have Community Allotment Plot which is now in its fourth year, and we facilitate Community Litter Picks. We distribute food vouchers, host police, fire and council drop-in surgeries and we promote other events and programmes happening throughout the borough.

Our venue is clean, warm and welcoming. It is all on one level and our foyer area is modern and we have a kitchen offering light refreshments. We have accessible toilets and nappy changing facilities. There is plenty of street parking available in the surrounding area.

Our popular Chatty Cafe will now be open Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm 

Fed up of sitting at home with nothing to do and no-one to talk too?  Why not come along and have a drink and a natter at the centre.  First drink is free, then £1 per drink.


If you would like to volunteer to help host a Chatter & Natter table at this venue, apply here.