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Chatter & Play Group

Posted on 13 August 2018

On Friday 4th May 2018 we started our first Chatter & Play-Group at Charles Morris House in Failsworth. We wanted to start a toddler play session in a supported housing scheme following the Channel Four documentary which showed the benefits of bringing different generations together. We decided to advertise the play group for children age two and over so the children would be able to interact with residents and we were inundated with people wanting to bring their children! After thinking things through we felt it would be best to start with a small group of just five toddlers as we didn’t want to take over the residents lounge and overwhelm people. (Toddlers have a tendency to run around a lot and make lots of noise!!) At first we ran activities but now it is more of a social thing, we get out toys and books and we all play and socialize. This means the group can run without a key person being there to run it. We also sing songs and it is great to hear the residents singing along to songs they know and to teach them the songs that are popular today. There is a fantastic garden and we have spent a lot of time there with Mavis who is a keen gardener. The children have picked strawberries and had a brilliant time seeing all the vegetables growing. We run the group for just one hour per week on a Friday morning and it is amazing how it really sets us all up for the day putting us in a good mood. We have about three or four residents join us each week and it is clear that they enjoy it. They are waiting for us to arrive and waving us off at the door when we leave. Thank you to Housing 21 who let us run this group and to Ambition for Ageing who have given us some funding for toys and the odd cake!

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