Yesterday Chatty Café started thinking about the possibilities of a Chatter & Natter table. Yes, we are dreaming big and being ambitious but we think that is the way forward. Currently, Chatter & Natter tables are used to get people in cafes talking, but what if we took it a step further and used it as an information point. Imagine once a month, someone from the Council, doctors, etc, etc sits at a Chatter & Natter table so members of the public can go and ask them questions and get direct answers to their questions. A drop in Chatter & Natter session?
Another idea has been brought to us by Kirsty from Oldham who emailed to say that she would volunteer to sit at a Chatter & Natter table to talk to new people. She experienced loneliness following the birth of her child and would like to get involved.
This is a fantastic idea and we will take Kirsty up on this once more cafes are involved.
Cafes – We are interested to know.. how do you use yours? How do you use your Chatter & Natter table?
do you put the sign on the table all day, everyday?, between certain hours, on specific days? once a month or are you yet to try it?
Customers – What ideas do you have? Thoughts, suggestions, comments – good, bad or constructive please let us know.
Have a good day everyone!